LOLGraphics Version 3.0

What's new?

Added two new commands: PLZ LOAD IMAGE that loads an image from a file, and PLZ DRAW IMAGE that draws an image that was previously loaded from a file on the location in the screen specified using the command PLZ DELIVR MAH CHEEZBURGERS 2 <x> <y>. Also fixed the flickering in "462 demo". Instead of first clearing the screen, then calculating the next position of the cheeseburger, and then drawing it, the program now first calculates the new position of the cheeseburger, then clears the screen, and finally draws the new cheeseburger. This subtle change makes all the difference.

Btw, starting from this version, you can replace the cheeseburger with any image you like. All you need to do is to drag the file containing the image you would like to use to the folder where you keep LOLGraphics, then replace the line "I CAN HAS A CHEEZBURGER?" before the line "FOREVER RUN CHECK" with the following 2 lines: "PLZ LOAD IMAGE EXAMPLE EXAMPLE.PNG" and "PLZ DRAW IMAGE EXAMPLE". Finally, replace all the instances of "I CAN HAS A CHEEZBURGER?" with "PLZ DRAW IMAGE EXAMPLE" and you are good to go. The image doesn't have to be called example, it can be called anything you want, just remember that the name of the image in the code can't contain spaces but the name of the file can. If you want to call the image EXAMPLE 1 and type "PLZ LOAD IMAGE EXAMPLE 1 EXAMPLE.png", it will try to load from the file "1 EXAMPLE.png" which probably isn't what you want.


LOLGraphics 3.0.jar 306 kB
Apr 22, 2021

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